Friday, May 1, 2009


My last post was when I had finished the edging of the Lerwick shawl.

Since then I have worked the border (completed 4/16/09) and the center which I completed today; all that's left is to graft and block.

This was the most time consuming project I have done to date. It was tedious and awkward to me to work with such fine yarn (oh yeah right - that's why I ordered a cone of laceweight cashmere so I can torture myself some more) . I made more errors in this shawl than any other project I have made to date but there was no way I was going to frog since the rows contained approx. 1,000 stitches; I fixed any mistake as best I could and moved on.

Maybe fine weight lace knitting is just not my thing and I should add it to my list of knitting techniques that I don't enjoy working: felting, entrelac, intarsia for example.

Deborah (RogueKnit) finished her Lerwick - it's gorgeous.

Next post: Lerwick blocked.

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